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Bot Commands - EverQuest Emulator Docs
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Bot Commands


This page lists the Bot commands that are available in-game, based on assigned Account Status, for your EQEmu Server.


The bot command system has been redesigned and is now a clone of the existing EQEmu command system.

Instead of using the old operator and command tokens #bot command, use the new operator with the new command tokens (i.e., ^command).

A redirect has also been added to the server command interpreter that will allow the use of #bot command..but, only the new command tokens may be used.

Many of the commands have been reviewed, re-coded and improved upon, where possible.

Since bots are an on-going project, some bot commands and features may be programmed into the server code..but, not enabled or fully-realized at this time.

As the actual bot code is updated, more of those commands and features can be enabled, as well as the addition of even more commands.

Please use the ^findaliases command to locate abridged versions of command names.

Using the 'help' or 'usage' argument after a command will show the proper formatting and available options for it.

Actionable Bots

With specific exceptions, bot commands are designed to work using an 'actionable' argument.

Some of these actionable arguments also require the use of an 'actionable name' parameter.

The use an 'actionable' bot argument provides much greater flexibility and control over a bot or groups of bots and eliminates the overhead of programming multiple selection criteria into a command.

target - selects target as single bot .. use ^command [target] or imply by empty actionable argument
byname [name] - selects single bot by name
ownergroup - selects all bots in the owner's group;
botgroup [name] - selects members of a bot-group by its name
targetgroup - selects all bots in target's group
namesgroup [name] - selects all bots in name's group
healrotation [name] - selects all member and target bots of a heal rotation where name is a member
healrotationmembers [name] - selects all member bots of a heal rotation where name is a member
healrotationtargets [name] - selects all target bots of a heal rotation where name is a member
spawned - selects all spawned bots
all - selects all spawned bots .. argument use indicates en masse database updating

Only those bots owned by the commanding player can be selected for any bot command use.


Usage: (<friendly_target>) ^follow ([option: reset]) [actionable: byname | ownergroup | botgroup | namesgroup | healrotation | spawned] ([actionable_name])
  • ^follow reset spawned - resets all spawned bots to follow their default assignments
  • ^follow byname Jojo - Set the bot 'Jojo' to follow the selected friendly target
  • ^follow botgroup Mybotgroup - Sets all spawned members of the bot-group 'Mybotgroup' to follow the selected friendly target
  • ^follow ownergroup - Sets all bots within the owner's group to follow the selected friendly target

Target selection is optional if the argument preceding the command is enclosed in parentheses. In this case, an omitted actionable argument should default to the bot's owner.

If there is no argument preceding the command, then the selected target is not required, and hence, ignored.

Optional 'options' and 'actionable' arguments are also enclosed within parentheses.

Command Description Status Level
^actionable Lists actionable command arguments and use descriptions Player (0)
^aggressive Orders a bot to use a aggressive discipline Player (0)
^applypoison Applies cursor-held poison to a rogue bot's weapon Player (0)
^applypotion Applies cursor-held potion to a bot's effects Player (0)
^attack Orders bots to attack a designated target Player (0)
^bindaffinity Orders a bot to attempt an affinity binding Player (0)
^bot Lists the available bot management [subcommands] Player (0)
^botappearance Lists the available bot appearance [subcommands] Player (0)
^botbeardcolor Changes the beard color of a bot Player (0)
^botbeardstyle Changes the beard style of a bot Player (0)
^botcamp Orders a bot(s) to camp Player (0)
^botclone Creates a copy of a bot GMMgmt (200)
^botcreate Creates a new bot Player (0)
^botdelete Deletes all record of a bot Player (0)
^botdetails Changes the Drakkin details of a bot Player (0)
^botdyearmor Changes the color of a bot's (bots') armor Player (0)
^boteyes Changes the eye colors of a bot Player (0)
^botface Changes the facial appearance of your bot Player (0)
^botfollowdistance Changes the follow distance(s) of a bot(s) Player (0)
^bothaircolor Changes the hair color of a bot Player (0)
^bothairstyle Changes the hairstyle of a bot Player (0)
^botheritage Changes the Drakkin heritage of a bot Player (0)
^botinspectmessage Changes the inspect message of a bot Player (0)
^botlist Lists the bots that you own Player (0)
^botoutofcombat Toggles your bot between standard and out-of-combat spell/skill use - if any specialized behaviors exist Player (0)
^botreport Orders a bot to report its readiness Player (0)
^botspawn Spawns a created bot Player (0)
^botstance Changes the stance of a bot Player (0)
^botstopmeleelevel Sets the level a caster or spell-casting fighter bot will stop melee combat Player (0)
^botsuffix Sets a bots suffix Player (0)
^botsummon Summons bot(s) to your location Player (0)
^botsurname Sets a bots surname (last name) Player (0)
^bottattoo Changes the Drakkin tattoo of a bot Player (0)
^bottogglearcher Toggles a archer bot between melee and ranged weapon use Player (0)
^bottogglehelm Toggles the helm visibility of a bot between shown and hidden Player (0)
^bottitle Sets a bots title Player (0)
^botupdate Updates a bot to reflect any level changes that you have experienced Player (0)
^botwoad Changes the Barbarian woad of a bot Player (0)
^casterrange Controls the range casters will try to stay away from a mob (if too far, they will skip spells that are out-of-range) Player (0)
^charm Attempts to have a bot charm your target Player (0)
^circle Orders a Druid bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination Player (0)
^clickitem Orders your targeted bot to click the item in the provided inventory slot. Player (0)
^cure Orders a bot to remove any ailments Player (0)
^defensive Orders a bot to use a defensive discipline Player (0)
^depart Orders a bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination Player (0)
^enforcespellsettings Toggles your Bot to cast only spells in their spell settings list. Player (0)
^escape Orders a bot to send a target group to a safe location within the zone Player (0)
^findaliases Find available aliases for a bot command Player (0)
^follow Orders bots to follow a designated target (option 'chain' auto-links eligible spawned bots) Player (0)
^guard Orders bots to guard their current positions Player (0)
^healrotation Lists the available bot heal rotation [subcommands] Player (0)
^healrotationadaptivetargeting Enables or disables adaptive targeting within the heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationaddmember Adds a bot to a heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationaddtarget Adds target to a heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationadjustcritical Adjusts the critial HP limit of the heal rotation instance's Class Armor Type criteria Player (0)
^healrotationadjustsafe Adjusts the safe HP limit of the heal rotation instance's Class Armor Type criteria Player (0)
^healrotationcastingoverride Enables or disables casting overrides within the heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationchangeinterval Changes casting interval between members within the heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationclearhot Clears the HOT of a heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationcleartargets Removes all targets from a heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationcreate Creates a bot heal rotation instance and designates a leader Player (0)
^healrotationdelete Deletes a bot heal rotation entry by leader Player (0)
^healrotationfastheals Enables or disables fast heals within the heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationlist Reports heal rotation instance(s) information Player (0)
^healrotationremovemember Removes a bot from a heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationremovetarget Removes target from a heal rotations instance Player (0)
^healrotationresetlimits Resets all Class Armor Type HP limit criteria in a heal rotation to its default value Player (0)
^healrotationsave Saves a bot heal rotation entry by leader Player (0)
^healrotationsethot Sets the HOT in a heal rotation instance Player (0)
^healrotationstart Starts a heal rotation Player (0)
^healrotationstop Stops a heal rotation Player (0)
^help List available commands and their description - specify partial command as argument to search Player (0)
^hold Prevents a bot from attacking until released Player (0)
^identify Orders a bot to cast an item identification spell Player (0)
^inventory Lists the available bot inventory [subcommands] Player (0)
^inventorygive Gives the item on your cursor to a bot Player (0)
^inventorylist Lists all items in a bot's inventory Player (0)
^inventoryremove Removes an item from a bot's inventory Player (0)
^inventorywindow Displays all items in a bot's inventory in a pop-up window Player (0)
^invisibility Orders a bot to cast a cloak of invisibility, or allow them to be seen Player (0)
^itemuse Elicits a report from spawned bots that can use the item on your cursor (option 'empty' yields only empty slots) Player (0)
^levitation Orders a bot to cast a levitation spell Player (0)
^lull Orders a bot to cast a pacification spell Player (0)
^mesmerize Orders a bot to cast a mesmerization spell Player (0)
^movementspeed Orders a bot to cast a movement speed enhancement spell Player (0)
^owneroption Sets options available to bot owners Player (0)
^pet Lists the available bot pet [subcommands] Player (0)
^petgetlost Orders a bot to remove its summoned pet Player (0)
^petremove Orders a bot to remove its charmed pet Player (0)
^petsettype Orders a Magician bot to use a specified pet type Player (0)
^picklock Orders a capable bot to pick the lock of the closest door Player (0)
^pickpocket Orders a capable bot to pickpocket a NPC Player (0)
^precombat Sets flag used to determine pre-combat behavior Player (0)
^portal Orders a Wizard bot to open a magical doorway to a specified destination Player (0)
^pull Orders a designated bot to 'pull' an enemy Player (0)
^release Releases a suspended bot's AI processing (with hate list wipe) Player (0)
^resistance Orders a bot to cast a specified resistance buff Player (0)
^resurrect Orders a bot to resurrect a player's (players') corpse(s) Player (0)
^rune Orders a bot to cast a rune of protection Player (0)
^sendhome Orders a bot to open a magical doorway home Player (0)
^size Orders a bot to change a player's size Player (0)
^spellinfo Opens a dialogue window with spell info Player (0)
^spells Lists all Spells learned by the Bot. Player (0)
^spellsettings Lists a bot's spell setting entries Player (0)
^spellsettingsadd Add a bot spell setting entry Player (0)
^spellsettingsdelete Delete a bot spell setting entry Player (0)
^spellsettingstoggle Toggle a bot spell use Player (0)
^spellsettingsupdate Update a bot spell setting entry Player (0)
^summoncorpse Orders a bot to summon a corpse to its feet Player (0)
^suspend Suspends a bot's AI processing until released Player (0)
^taunt Toggles taunt use by a bot Player (0)
^timer Checks or clears timers of the chosen type. GMMgmt (200)
^track Orders a capable bot to track enemies Player (0)
^viewcombos Views bot race class combinations Player (0)
^waterbreathing Orders a bot to cast a water breathing spell Player (0)